Well, February wasn't all that successful. I found it's really hard to keep adding more and more tasks/resolutions to my life next to everything else that is going on...or even to keep up the old resolutions.
I guess for March, I'll have to scale down my ambition, if I want to avoid the feeling of failure. Resolutions are just as good as their compatibility with your lifestyle, personality and self-discipline...
So - (almost) no new resolutions for March, just continuing the February ones.
Ramp up on learning Hindi
Continue from January:
- finish digitalizing my Hindi notes, load into Quizlet
- reserve at least 10 minutes/day for revising vocab and past lesssons (e.g. before sleeping)
- at least 1 short conversation in Hindi with Varun/day
- actively study and memorize the Hindi "Word of the Day" every day
- other measures (e.g. listening to podcast; downloading and using app; watching movies etc.), as time allows
Diet and better eating
Continue from February
- 1 week/month, live on fruits, veggies, soups and cereals only for at least 2 weeks
Continue from February
- do serious exercise every other day except when travelling (running, yoga, swimming, hiking or bike tour)
- situps/pushups every day
- join at least 1 meeting of the Basel photography group, if timings allow
- put my digital photo collection in order and transfer to new external harddrive
- finish reading Naomi Klein "This changes everything" latest by the end of the month
Getting organized
- make doctor's appointments for checkups that I have procrastinated for years
New in March:
- sort out rent payments
- deliberately schedule a couple Skype calls with far-away and long-lost friends