Ramp up on learning Hindi
- digitalize my Hindi notes - half-done; continue in February
- reserve at least 10 minutes/day for revising vocab and past lesssons (e.g. before sleeping) - done almost every day, but sometimes less than 10 minutes, if it was really late already
- at least 1 short conversation in Hindi with Varun/day - done almost every day
- actively study and memorize the Hindi "Word of the Day" every day - done every day
- other measures (e.g. listening to podcast; downloading and using app; watching movies etc.), as time allows - listened to podcast once; tried to speak a bit of Hindi on the phone with Varun's family; other than that, not much done in addition
Diet and better eating
- live on fruits, veggies, soups and cereals only for at least 2 weeks (starting 1st January) - done, with the exception of 1 evening when we had guests and I cooked
- do serious exercise every other day (running, yoga, swimming, hiking or bike tour) - maintained until the last week of the month, when the rythm broke a bit due to travel
- situps every day (as many as I can handle) - done consistently, but altered it to do situps and pushups in alternation
- get organized about note taking and documentation of calls and meetings (finding and implementing a way to keep a notebook that allows me to quickly find stuff again later) - bought a new notebook which allows to have sections for different topics and move pages between sections; having the impression that this helps in finding notes more quickly
- finish wedding photo album by the end of the month latest - done by 19th Jan!
- join at least 1 meeting of the Basel photography group, if timings allow - didn't, but not my fault: They had only 1 meeting in January, which had filled up very quickly, and also the topic was not of much interest to me.
Instead, I participated in a nature photography contest.
- finish reading Naomi Klein "This changes everything" latest by the end of the month - didnt; after the end of the holidays, I hardly found time to continue reading. Got through about 1/3 of the book. Will seee if I can finish in Feb, latest in March.
In addition, I subscribed to the e-news feature "Fünf vor 8" of DIE ZEIT and read it daily - this could fall under "inspiration"
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